Bar charts
Use this tool to generate bar charts that use images as labels and/or as background of the bars. Available in Excel using the XLSTAT software.

This tool has been developed to help you quickly build charts that are more self-explanatory. If your data correspond to countries you can automatically use the XLSTAT flags library. You can also input your own images.
Options for the Bar charts in XSLTAT
Labels: Select the data that describe the values, and that might be used as labels on the charts.
- Countries (Names): Choose this option if the labels correspond to the names of the countries.
- Countries (Codes): Choose this option if the labels correspond to the (ISO 3166) two-letter codes of the countries.
- Other: Choose this option if the labels do not correspond to countries. This option requires that you have a set of images that you can select in the Images field.
Values: Select the data that are used on the chart for the bars.
Images: Select the the cells that contain for each label the images that you want to use.
Chart title: Enter the chart title you want to display on the bar chart.
Bars: Choose whether you want to display vertical or horizontal bars.
Labels: Choose whether you want to display the labels names or codes (only active if you selected countries as labels) on the charts. You can choose not to display either of the two.
Images position: You can display images on the side of the axis and/or in the bars themselves.
- Next to axis: Check this option if you want to display the images next to the axis. If your labels correspond to countries, you choose to display the flags in circles, squares or rectangles.
- Images in bars: Check this option if you want to display the images in the bars themselves. You can either Options for the Bar charts with images in XSLTATdisplay stretched or tiled images.