Create a products/assessors table

Use this tool to transform your vertical sensory data into a Products/Assessors table.


Sensory data can be presented in two ways:

  1. Vertical form: This is a table with as many rows as samples. One column is dedicated to the product identifier, another to the assessor identifier, and the remaining columns correspond to descriptors such as sweetness, acidity, etc.
  2. Horizontal form: This is a table with as many rows as products. The number of columns is equal to the product of the number of assessors and the number of descriptors.

In the horizontal form, the data for the first assessor is displayed in the first p columns, the data for the second assessor is displayed in the next p columns, and so on.

A Products/Assessors table, representing the sensory data in a horizontal form, is required for certain sensory analyses in XLSTAT:

  • Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA)
  • Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA)
  • Projective mapping data analysis

However, the sensory data may only be available in a vertical form. This functionality allows you to convert vertical sensory data into a Products/Assessors table.

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