Privacy Policy

Addinsoft websites,, (« the Website ») is published by ADDINSOFT whose information is displayed in the legal notice hereunder.

To enjoy the services provided by ADDINSOFT through the Website, users shall provide personal data collected, processed and protected in accordance to this privacy policy.

ADDINSOFT is committed to protecting web users' privacy and ADDINSOFT wishes to offer an optimized use of the Website.

Processing of data through ADDINSOFT software is governed by the terms of use applicable to such software.


Which data is processed and why?

Requests for information, orders and/or downloading of the software products offered by ADDINSOFT on the Website require or imply the provision by the users of some personal data:

Form for contact or quotation

The contact form allows users to contact the sales department.

Required data is the following on the contact form: name, e-mail address, subject, type of user (company / private), and message. Provision of this data is required to allow ADDINSOFT to respond to the user's request. Optionally, the user can indicate the number of users.

Required data is the following on the quotation form (after selection of the product): name, first name, address, e-mail address, subject, and message. Provision of this data is required to allow ADDINSOFT to respond to the user's request. Optionally, the user can indicate the name of his/her company and phone number.

Any user not wishing to provide the required information will not be able to make a request for contact or quote.

Support Center

The Support Center allows users to contact technical support.

Required data is the name, email address, solution, OS version, Excel version, XLSTAT version, subject, and message. Provision of this data is required to allow ADDINSOFT to respond to the user's request. Optionally, the user can provide Id of his/her Excel version, license key and provide an attached document.

Any user not wishing to provide the required information will not be able to make a request for support.

Download of the free trial version and software orders

Free trial: the form allows user to download the free trial version. Required data is the name, first name, email address, type of user, source of the visit on the Website and version of the software depending on his/her OS.

Orders: for the orders of the software products, data are collected and processed by ADDINSOFT, responsible for the management of orders, as publisher of the Website and software products.

For some renewals, data can be collected and processed by the company DIGITAL RIVER GmbH, responsible for the management of orders, and then transmitted after the validation of the order to ADDINSOFT.

As orders of the software products are managed by Digital River GmbH, information provided for the order is collected by such company and governed by its own privacy policy (accessible through the hyperlink displayed on the order page).

Renewals Data provided to ADDINSOFT by DIGITAL RIVER GmbH upon the order of the product are: which product, email address, name, first name, TVA number if any and post address.

Personalized monitoring of the use of the software

In order to allow ADDINSOFT to better understand the ways in which its software is used and to fight against digital piracy, as well as to enhance its features, analyze potential errors and/or bugs and fix them, and to provide pertinent sales and technical support, certain personal data relating to the use of the XLSTAT software by the End User may be communicated to ADDINSOFT.

The data includes, in particular, the unique identifier assigned to the End User, their license number, country code, the license or product version in use, its expiration date, and the operating system and Microsoft Excel version the End-User’s software is currently running on. It also comprises information relevant to the user’s use of XLSTAT Products and ADDINSOFT services (statistical functions used, execution times, technical errors, etc.).

These data can be used to identify the End User. They are intended to allow ADDINSOFT to provide the End User with personalized support and/or services.

The End User may disable this function at any time in the XLSTAT Product Options without prejudice to their use of the software.

How data is processed?

Data controller: ADDINSOFT

Purposes and legal basis: Personal data collected and processed by ADDINSOFT are kept by ADDINSOFT in its quality of publisher of the software products and service provider to the users.

In particular, the data collected via the contact, support or quotation request forms allow ADDINSOFT to answer to user's requests. ADDINSOFT does not do any other processing of the recipients' data. Such processing of data is based on the legitimate interests of ADDINSOFT and the user related to the processing of these requests.

The data collected for downloading or ordering a software, or through quotation request allow ADDINSOFT to manage the follow-up of the relation between ADDINSOFT and the user, in particular for the execution of the license agreement attached to the use of the software, or in order to take steps at the request of the user prior to entering into a contract (quote request).

The data may also be used by ADDINSOFT to create a file of contacts, prospects and customers and send the user e-mails of information concerning ADDINSOFT, its activities or products or services, for ADDINSOFT's legitimate interests resulting from the exercise of its commercial activity and prospection.

ADDINSOFT undertakes not to transfer this data to third parties, except with the information and, if required, consent of the user or in the cases provided for in this policy.

Recipients and subcontractors: in compliance with the purposes outlined above, the user's data may be transferred to ADDINSOFT's staff and suppliers acting as subcontractors (such as its host, CRM provider, chat solutions, etc.), including some providers based outside the European Union. ADDINSOFT takes all measures to require these suppliers to comply with the applicable regulations and, where appropriate, that the transfers are based on an adequate level of protection or sufficient guarantees.

Retention and archiving: personal data are kept for a period of 3 years to allow ADDINSOFT to contact the user and archived for the duration of the prescription, duration necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims (generally, 5 years).

Such periods are applicable from:

  • The date of processing the request for users who used the contact form;
  • Or the date of termination of the contractual relationship between ADDINSOFT and the user for users of software;
  • Or the last contact from the user, if this date is later.

ADDINSOFT makes its best efforts to keep this personal data under appropriate security conditions in accordance with the applicable provisions, according to the current means of the art.

Rights on personal data processed by ADDINSOFT

Anyone who has provided personal data to ADDINSOFT has the following rights:

  • A right of access and rectification of data;
  • A right to the erasure of data ("right to be forgotten"), a right to the limitation of processing and a right to object to processing in the cases provided by the regulation in force;
  • In particular, anyone has the right to refuse to receive ADDINSOFT's e-mails of information at any time. The subscribed user will be able to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in each email.
  • The right to define guidelines regarding the processing of his/her personal data after his/her death;
  • A right to portability as provided in regulation in force;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (CNIL in France).

These rights may be exercised with ADDINSOFT whose contact details are given below.

These rights must be exercised under the conditions provided for by the regulations in force. In particular, a copy of an identity document from the user will be requested in order to prove his/her identity to ADDINSOFT, to prevent any unauthorized access to personal data.


ADDINSOFT uses cookies on the Website, under the following conditions:

What is a cookie? A cookie is a file that is deposited in your terminal (computer, mobile device ...) or linked to the user's login if he/she is an ADDINSOFT customer.

Which cookies are used on the Website? ADDINSOFT uses the following cookies:

  1. Cookies used by ADDINSOFT: technical or personalization cookies, facilitating navigation and allowing ADDINSOFT to make services online.

  2. Third-party cookies used and managed by partners to provide different services:

  • Cookies to obtain statistics on visits to the Website, in order to improve contents and, if any, to detect navigation problems and improve the services. These cookies only lead to anonymous statistics and traffic volumes, to the exclusion of any individual information.
  • Cookies linked to targeted advertisement, to offer relevant content in the advertising spaces of the Website. These cookies are used by the partners to collect data relating to the contents consulted on the Website, to number of advertisements displayed, to identify the advertisements and their number of displays, the number of users having clicked on each advertisement and, where applicable, subsequent actions by those users on the pages to which these advertisements lead in order to calculate the amount of advertising revenue and to compile statistics.
  • Cookies related to support (Drift).
  • Cookies from social networks linked to sharing features (Facebook or Twitter). The social network providing such feature is likely to identify the user.

You should consult the privacy policies of these social networks and partners to learn the purpose of use, including advertising, navigation information they can collect through these cookies.

ServiceCookiePurposePeriod of validity
xlstatPHPSESSIDAuthentification cookieDuration of the browsing session
xlstathlCookie used to determine the language used by user depending on its locationLess than 6 months
xlstatRemember_meCookie enabling to identify the user when his account is connected in order to remember its connection parameters6 months
Google AdwordsIDECookie for targeted advertisement from Google Adwords to display relevant content1 year
Google Analytics_ga _gat _gid _galiCookie from Google Analytics for statistics related to the visits on the Website1 year or duration of the browsing session
xlstatdpa_consentConsent of the user to the cookies1 year
xlstatdpa_consent_servicesList of services accepted by the user (Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Drift)1 year
DriftDriftt_aid, Driftt_sidAnonymous unique identifier and unique identifier for browsing sessionsDuration of the browsing session
DriftDFTT_EN_USER_PREV_BOOT_STRAPPEDAuthentication cookie13 months

By pursuing his navigation on the Website or by clicking on accept, user gives his consent to the use of cookies.

How to refuse cookies?

On a computer, user may refuse cookies:

  • Either on his browser, in the Privacy or Tools menu, by consulting the cookies sent to its browser and deleting them;
  • Either on his explorer, in the « Temporary Internet Files », by deleting cookies.

User can set up its browser to stop cookies (cf. "Help" section of the browser).

On a smartphone or tablet, user may delete or refuse cookies in the menu of his OS or browser.

The deletion of the cookies already sent to the browser has no incidence on the navigation on the Website, but will deprive the user from the benefits of the cookies.

The user will have to consent again to cookies on the Website on its next visit.

The user can also refuse some specific cookies (excepted required and functional cookies used by ADDINSOFT):

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Adwords
  • Drift

The refusal of the cookies can limit the browsing on the Website or use of the services.

ADDINSOFT reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy, in case of modification of the above.

For more information, user may send any question to ADDINSOFT (contact details below).


The publisher of the Website and data controller is the company ADDINSOFT SAS, registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris under number 429 102 767, having its principal office at 40, rue Damrémont, 75018 PARIS. You can contact ADDINSOFT:

  • By phone – Monday to Friday – 9:30 AM to 6 PM: 01 70 06 04 88
  • By email:
  • By mail: 40, rue Damrémont, 75018 PARIS